Client Stories

Successful Claim Against Hospital Trust Following Failures in Management of Patient Care

Posted By admin - 16 August 2018

Moosa-Duke Solicitors succeeded in a claim on behalf of the Executors of the Estate of Mr X, who suffered a deterioration in health whilst an inpatient under the care of a Hospital Trust.  His health worsened further after being discharged to an unsuitable residential home, where he ultimately died. On the advice of his GP,  Mr X was admitted to…

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Moosa-Duke Helps Claimant Recover Damages for Extravasation Injury

Posted By admin - 06 August 2018

We successfully concluded a claim for our client who suffered an extravasation injury following the administration on an anti-sickness drug, Cyclizine, which was administered through a cannula. The nurse administering the drug missed the vessel into which it was intended and the drug went into the surrounding tissues instead. Despite our client being in extreme pain, it took the hospital staff…

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Failure to diagnose Pneumonia and MRSA

Posted By admin - 30 April 2018

Our client, Mrs X, sadly lost her daughter, Y (a minor) aged 4 as a result of a failure to diagnose pneumonia and MRSA. On 23.07.13, Y was seen by her GP practice as a result of vomiting and a temperature for the preceding 24 hours. Mrs X was advised to take Y to the hospital should her symptoms fail…

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Delay in diagnosis of injury during surgery at Leicester General Hospital

Posted By admin - 22 January 2018

Our client, Mrs X, had surgery at Leicester General Hospital to remove her gallbladder. Patients are usually able to go home later the same day or the following day after this type of surgery. Following the surgery, Mrs X was in a lot of pain so could not go home. She remained in hospital because she continued to complain of…

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Moosa-Duke Solicitors Help Brain Damaged Claimant Recover Compensation

Posted By admin - 08 July 2016

Moosa-Duke Solicitors have recovered compensation for a Claimant following a successful appeal of a refusal by the Criminal Injuries Compensation authority (CICA). The Claimant suffered a depressed skull fracture and brain injury when he was attacked in his home with a hammer by his landlord on 06/06/2009. Following the attack the Claimant required a debridement and a blood transfusion and…

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