Client Stories

Moosa-Duke Solicitors secures compensation due to negligently performed hip surgery

Posted By admin - 16 November 2018

Moosa Duke Solicitors have secured compensation on behalf of Mr Y, who underwent negligently performed hip replacement surgery. As a result, Mr Y experienced unnecessary pain and required additional major procedures (including a re revision of the hip) which would not otherwise have been needed. Expert evidence obtained on behalf of Mr Y confirmed that it likely that he will…

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Successful Case Following Tragic Delays in Delivery

Posted By admin - 06 November 2018

Moosa-Duke Solicitors represented Mrs X in respect of her claim for clinical negligence against a Hospital Trust in relation to the management of her labour, prior to her baby being still born. It was the evidence of Mrs X’s breach of duty expert that prolonged deceleration and short bradycardia on the CTG trace, demonstrated a change in foetal heart rate,…

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Successful claim against Pharmacy for Dispensing Error

Posted By admin - 30 October 2018

We successfully pursued a claim against a pharmacist following a dispensing error which led to our client suffering an inadvertent overdose of an anti-psychotic drug. Our client ingested a dose approximately 5 times more than that prescribed by his GP as a result of the dispensing error. Following the overdose, our client suffered heart attack like symptoms making him believe…

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Death of Baby through negligence at birth

Posted By admin - 27 September 2018

Our clients, Mr and Mrs X, sadly lost their baby, Y soon after birth as a result of errors with the birth. Mrs X went into labour.  She was taken to theatre for an assisted delivery, failing which a caesarean section would have been undertaken. The doctor tried to deliver baby Y using ventouse suction, however applied a number of…

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Failure to identify and treat a heart attack

Posted By admin - 12 September 2018

Moosa-Duke Solicitors have successfully settled a claim made by the family of Mr C Deceased. The claim arose out of the treatment that the Deceased received following his attendance at Leicester Royal Infirmary (A&E) with a complaint of chest pain. Following his arrival, the Deceased suffered a Cardiac Arrest and required resuscitation. He was then admitted into hospital. However, a…

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