Successful case following delay in diagnosis of cervical cancer

Posted By Kirsty Dakin - 8th February 2022

What happened?

For over a year, Y had been experiencing irregular bleeding between periods, heavy periods, and bleeding after sexual intercourse.

Y saw her GP on several occasions over an 18-month period about the problems that she was having. On some of the occasions that she saw a GP, she was advised to have a smear test, but the test was never performed. Y changed her GP surgery and she saw her new GP about her ongoing problems. The new GP examined Y’s cervix and was concerned that there was a serious problem.

Y was referred for urgent investigations, including scans and a biopsy, and was diagnosed with stage 2b cervical cancer shortly after the referral by her new GP.

Outcome for Y

Y had treatment but it was unfortunately unable to halt the progress of the cancer and Y sadly passed away the following year. Y was in her 20s.

Y had contacted Moosa-Duke Solicitors before she passed away, and her family continued with the claim after her death.

Moosa–Duke Solicitors investigated the standard of care that Y received from her previous GPs. Expert evidence confirmed that the GPs Y saw in the year before her diagnosis should have done more to investigate the bleeding and problems that she complained of. The GPs should have performed an examination or a smear test, or Y should have been referred to the gynaecology clinic for further investigations. This was negligent.

The outcome of the negligence

Moosa-Duke Solicitors’ investigations proved that had the negligence not occurred, Y would have received an earlier diagnosis and would have been successfully treated. She would have survived.

Preventing future negligence – Lessons Learned

Moosa Duke Solicitors achieved a six-figure settlement for Y’s family.

The claim was brought against several of the GPs that Y saw prior to her diagnosis. The Defendants did not admit liability, but Moosa-Duke Solicitors were not deterred from continuing with the claim and were able to negotiate settlement on behalf of Y’s family shortly before the exchange of expert evidence.

Moosa-Duke Solicitors hope that lessons are learned from Y’s case, so that investigations are arranged when someone presents to their GP with symptoms like Y.  That can lead to earlier diagnosis and avoid a tragic delay for other patients in future.

Moosa Duke Solicitors have extensive experience in dealing with cases of delayed diagnosis of cancer. Please call us for a no-obligation discussion on 0116 2547456 or email us at We may be able to help you too.
