Post-natal Negligence

Posted By Kirsty Dakin - 27th July 2023

What Happened?

After delivering her baby, our client had retained products of conception (retained placenta). She had a procedure in theatre to remove them because other methods, including medication, had not been successful.

During the procedure, her uterus was damaged but this was not identified at the time. Afterwards, our client was in severe pain due to internal bleeding caused by the damage to her uterus.

Her complaints of pain were dismissed for several hours. This caused a delay indiagnosing the damage.

What happened to our client?

After several hours, our client’s injuries were diagnosed. Unfortunately, the only treatment available by this time was an emergency hysterectomy.

Our investigation

We were instructed us to investigate the case on behalf of our client. Investigations revealed that the procedure to remove the retained products was performed negligently, and the delay in diagnosing the damage to the uterus wasnegligent. The Defendant admitted liability.

The outcome for our client

Our client suffered serious physical and psychological injuries as the result of the negligence, and she was unable to have anymore children.

We negotiated a six-figure settlement for our client.

The failures in care in this case were numerous and were easily avoidable. Our client was ignored and dismissed when she complained of pain and the impact of this was devastating.

We hope that lessons have been learned so that the same failures are not repeated.

Moosa Duke Solicitors are an experienced team of specialist clinical negligence solicitors. If you have concerns about the care that you or a family member has received, please contact us for a no-obligation discussion. We may be able to help you too.
