Posted By Kirsty Dakin - 19th April 2024

As a result of a GP’s failure to advise our client, GE, about the red flag symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome, she experienced a delay in diagnosis of the condition and was injured.  



  • GE was left with persistent numbness, weakness, and pins and needles in her legs. She also had right foot drop, which affected her mobility and had caused her to fall on several occasions. She had to use crutches to mobilise, and needed a car adapted for her disability. She was left with no sexual feeling. She had bladder and bowel dysfunction including occasional urinary urgency, constipation, and no control of wind. She had constant pain in her leg and around her bottom, which was debilitating. The combination of physical disabilities and pain caused fatigue and psychological injuries.
  • GE was no longer able to continue working full-time because of her injuries, and will need care in later years. 


Represented by specialist Cauda Equina Solicitors at MDS Medical Law, the case was settled for a significant sum. 


GE had a long history of back pain. She saw her GP on several occasions between January and May due to back pain that was radiating into her right leg. She was given medication.  

During this period, the pain gradually increased, and she developed numbness in her right leg. She was advised to keep taking medication, and she became increasingly frustrated because she was not getting any better. She sought help from out of hours doctors and called 111 on one occasion but was always advised to keep taking medication.  

GE saw the Defendant GP in June and he noted reduced power in her right leg and no bladder or bowel symptoms. She was referred for an outpatient MRI but was not given any advice about the red flag symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome.  

Approximately a week later, GE noticed that she was struggling to go for a wee. She would have to sit on the toilet for a long time before she could start weeing. She did not know that this was an important symptom that could be related to her other problems, and she did not seek medical attention until another few days later when she started to experience numbness and loss of power in her left leg. She went to A&E and was diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome following an MRI. She had emergency decompression surgery the following morning.  

How we helped 

GE contacted us to investigate whether she should have been given advice about the red flag symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome by her GP in June.  

We obtained evidence from experts in the general practice, spinal surgery, and neurosurgery and found that there was a failure by the Defendant GP to provide advice about the red flag symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome. This is also known as safety net advice. If GE had been aware that bladder dysfunction / problems was a red flag symptom, she would have sought medical assistance a few days earlier. The delay in diagnosing Cauda Equina Syndrome meant that her injuries were worse than if she had undergone surgery earlier.  

The Defendant denied liability throughout the case, but despite this, we were able to negotiate a substantial settlement for GE. Whilst this cannot fully compensate her for the pain and suffering that she has experienced, it will enable her to obtain the therapies and care that will help her to live a more comfortable life in the future. 

Represented by specialist Cauda Equina Solicitors at MDS Medical Law, the case was settled for a significant sum. 

