Failure to identify and treat a heart attack

Posted By admin - 12th September 2018

Moosa-Duke Solicitors have successfully settled a claim made by the family of Mr C Deceased.

The claim arose out of the treatment that the Deceased received following his attendance at Leicester Royal Infirmary (A&E) with a complaint of chest pain.

Following his arrival, the Deceased suffered a Cardiac Arrest and required resuscitation. He was then admitted into hospital. However, a few days later, he began to complain of chest pains. He required emergency surgery during which he suffered unavoidable complications and which caused a brain injury. He was left with an altered personality and mobility issues. His death some time later was unconnected to his treatment.

The family’s case was that the Deceased should have been treated for a myocardial infarct (heart attack) on his arrival at the hospital. If he had been, then he would have avoided the cardiac arrest. In addition he would have avoided the deterioration in his condition and would not have required the surgery which led to his brain damage.

Despite the fact that liability was denied throughout the case, it was eventually settled just weeks before trial.
