Man wakes up mid operation because of inadequate anaesthetic
The Injury
Mr R had a history of recurrent patella dislocations for which he had undergone previous reconstruction surgery .In January 2018 he underwent left knee revision ligament reconstruction at the Royal Derby Hospital followed by right knee revision ligament reconstruction in the August of 2019 .
Mr R was given a local anaesthetic as an epidural with sedatives for his surgery in 2019 following discussion with the anaesthetist. During the operation Mr R regained consciousness and felt the pain of the procedure. He was able to say the word 'pain' after a couple of minutes and the surgeon immediately stopped the procedure following which fentanyl was administer intravenously.
Contact Us Today
Our legal experts have successfully resolved many surgery compensation claims where negligent surgery or complications related to surgery have occurred both in an NHS or private hospital setting. While all surgery carries a degree of risk, some damage or injury to patients should simply not occur and our team will work with the relevant Trust or healthcare provider to ensure that lessons are learned and future errors prevented.
If you or a loved one has been affected by a delay in diagnosis or treatment we can provide legal representation on a no-win-no-fee basis [hyperlink to a funding page] to investigate a compensation claim, seek justice and secure your or your loved one’s future.
What happened?
During the night following the operation Mr R woke up several times in a sweat, reliving the trauma of the pain and experience of the operation. Thereafter he continued to experience psychological symptoms including regular flashbacks and nighttime waking, anxiety low mood and a fear of hospitals. Mr R's GP felt that he may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and recommended counselling. Mr R underwent some counselling sessions and fortunately made a good recovery.
Mr R originally instructed Solicitors appointed by his own insurers but his case was rejected on the basis of insufficient prospects of success. Mr R therefore sought a second opinion and instructed Moosa-Duke Solicitors.
Moosa Duke Solicitors investigated the case and found that there had been a failure on the part of the anaesthetist to adequately explain the risks and benefits associated with both local and general anaesthetic, to enable Mr R to make an informed decision as to which anaesthetic to choose for his operation on 27.08.19. There had been inadequate dialogue with Mr R and insufficient time given to Mr R to consider his choices and, in particular, Mr R was not warned of the possibility of the spinal block wearing off during the procedure. It was Mr R’s case that had he been fully informed of the risks and benefits of both local and general anaesthetic; he would have decided to have a general anaesthetic for his operation. He would have attached significance to the risk of the anaesthetic wearing off during the surgery and therefore informed consent was not obtained.
Defendant Trust admitted a failure to provide an option of general anaesthesia and following negotiations damages were agreed.
How We Can Help?
We can help you investigate your case, and recover compensation for your physical and psychological injury together with the cost of future treatment, rehabilitation, loss of earnings (if unable to work as a result of the injury), vital aids and equipment and for any care or support that is required as long as it can be attributed to the negligence.

Whilst our case studies are designed to give an indication of the outcomes that can be achieved in these circumstances, the compensation awarded in individual cases can vary significantly due to a range of factors, including the severity of injury, effects on life expectancy and financial impact, for example. For more information, contact us today.
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We will support you, guide you and be your voice throughout.