Inadequate assessment in A&E delays CES diagnosis

The Injury
Our client was a postman at the time of the negligence.
He has been left with significant urinary dysfunction which requires him to perform intermittent self-catheterisation for the rest of his life.
He has suffered permanent erectile and bowel dysfunction and a mild left foot drop and a psychological reaction as he adjusted to life with a disability.
He required a short course of counselling.
Mr C was able to continue in his pre- injury occupation but his duties had to be adjusted and he lost out on promotion prospects.
How can MDS Medical Law Help you?
While no amount of compensation will ever be enough for your or a family member’s suffering, if you or a loved one has been affected by healthcare negligence leaving them or you with cauda equina syndrome, we can help you through the legal process for investigating your concerns against a healthcare professional and your negligence claim if there is one.
We will do this by providing legal representation on a no-win-no-fee basis.
To investigate what happened, help you get some answers, help you secure compensation, help seek justice for you and help to secure your or your loved one’s future.
What Happened?
Mr C, a postman by profession, had a history of low back pain and sciatica for which he had received physiotherapy and which led to an improvement in his symptoms. In 2015 he had a flare up of his back pain and sciatica.
On 2 June, our client woke up in significant pain and attended the A&E department at the Defendant’s hospital where he was triaged and later seen by a doctor. He advised MDS Medical Law that at the time he was assessed by the doctor, he was suffering from numbness and pain in both legs, and during rectal examination, he told the doctor that he felt tingling and numbness in his anus. The doctor told him that all was fine and, despite our client’s insistence that he be reviewed by a senior doctor for a second opinion, he was discharged and not referred for an MRI.
Our client experienced faecal incontinence that night and called an ambulance. He was readmitted to the Defendant’s hospital by which time he had not urinated for 24 hours. On examination, at the Defendant’s hospital it was felt he had Cauda Equina Syndrome, and an urgent MRI was requested. CES was diagnosed and our client subsequently underwent decompression surgery.
Following a thorough investigation by MDS Medical Law and the obtaining of evidence from experts in the fields of neurosurgery, A&E medicine, and radiology, a claim was pursued on the basis that there was an inadequate and negligent assessment at our client’s first attendance as he was not asked about his urinary function or any abnormal sensation in the buttocks or genital areas and a full examination of his perineum was not undertaken. It was our client’s case that had he been asked to urinate; he would have had difficulty passing urine and that a proper examination would have shown evidence of sensory abnormality. It was our client’s case that any one of these abnormal signs should have led to a suspicion of cauda equina syndrome and the need for an emergency MRI scan, and ultimately a diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome would have been made and decompression surgery performed on the day he first attended.
Further investigation into the standard of the surgery performed the following day meant that there was also a case that the decompression surgery, itself, was performed negligently.
This was a complex case where there was a conflict between the evidence given by our client and that recorded in the Defendant’s hospital records and provided by the Defendant’s clinicians. The case settled 8 years after the date of the original negligence.
MDS Medical Law were able to achieve a six-figure settlement which will enable our client to obtain the treatment, therapies and care that he requires now and in the future
MDS Nationally Recognised Specialists In Cauda Equina Cases
We can help you investigate your Cauda Equina Case and help you to recover compensation for your physical and psychological injury together with the cost of future treatment, rehabilitation, loss of earnings (if unable to work as a result of the injury), vital aids and equipment and for any care or support that is required as long as it can be attributed to the negligence.
Whilst our case studies are designed to give an indication of the outcomes that can be achieved in these circumstances, the compensation awarded in individual cases can vary significantly due to a range of factors, including the severity of injury, effects on life expectancy and financial impact, for example. For more information, contact us today.
Our Approach
We will support you, guide you and be your voice throughout.